Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hillary Says "ALL IN"

The two questions are "Will the dealer push all the chips to Hillary's side of the table after the big move?" and "Did she have the right odds to make the "All In" play?" The calculations are in and the computer says "yes". Hang on to your chips guys or push them to the center of the table. Is it time for the boys to gamble? Do the "men" in the Democratic party have the guts? Can the "men" endure the pain? Do the "men" have the balls? The computer says "no". No guts, no glory. No pain, no gain. NO BALLS, NO BLUE CHIPS. Let's sit and enjoy the spectacle...SHUFFLE UP AND DEAL!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


This situation our country is in is blowing my mind. Really unbelievable. Corruption has rotted the core of our so called "democracy". Trying to clean this mess up is going to be like digging in sand, almost impossible. There are so many road blocks built into the system to prevent the average Jill from uncovering the truth about our political servants. When we finally uncover all the shit that has been buried in this sand pit we must reveal it. We must stamp this information on a concrete foundation which is built on solid ground for future generations. Everybody knows you can't build a house on sand and expect it to last.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I've collected a ton of beach glass over the years doing one of my favorite things. That's right, you guessed it...walking the beach. Recently I had one of my photos enlarged and put on canvas using the gallery wrap style. It looks fabulous. I have glass dating back to the early 1800's (you can tell by the color). It makes beautiful jewelry. I've considered handing out this Lake Michigan beach glass to be used along with collective prayer to heal the water of Lake Michigan. What better energy connection could you have to the water than glass that's been rolling in it for hundreds of years. I believe in the power of collective energy.